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Premium Capital Finance

Policy on our Privacy

Privacy Disclosure Statement

Our Policy on our Privacy

1. Collection of your personal information and credit-related personal information

We, Premium Capital Finance, collect your personal information and credit-related personal information to assess your application, to provide you with the product or service that you have requested and to assess any future applications for products or services you may make to us or our related entities. If you are a guarantor we collect your personal information and credit-related personal information to assess whether to accept you as a guarantor for credit applied for, or provided to, the borrower. Collection of some of this information is required by the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006. If you provide incomplete or incorrect information we may be unable to provide you with the product or service you are applying for.


2. Collection of personal information and credit-related personal information about third parties

We may need to collect personal information and credit-related personal information about a third party from you as part of this application. If we do this, you agree you will advise that person that we have collected their information, and that in most cases they can access and seek correction of the information we hold about them.


3. Use and disclosure of your personal information and credit-related personal information

We may use your personal information and credit-related personal information to perform our business functions (for example internal audit, operational risk, product development and planning). We may also use your personal information to confirm your details (for example contacting your employer to confirm your employment and income details).We treat your personal information and credit-related personal information as confidential and only disclose it to others where necessary. For example, we usually disclose your information to organisations to whom we outsource functions such as mailing and printing houses, IT providers, our agents and specialist advisers such as accountants and solicitors. Other disclosures usually include joint account holders, account operators and account applicants, Credit Reporting Bodies (as defined below), insurers, intermediaries, valuers, debt collection agencies and government authorities. Your information may also be disclosed to our related entities, our joint venture partners and Community Bank® companies where its confidentiality is maintained at all times.


4. Disclosure of personal information and credit-related personal information to overseas organisations

Some of the organisations we disclose your personal information and credit-related personal information to may be located overseas. Where an organisation is located overseas we will either take reasonable steps to ensure that it complies with Australian privacy laws or we will seek your consent to the disclosure.


5. Access to and correction of your personal information and credit-related personal information

In most cases you can gain access to and seek correction of your personal information and credit-related personal information. Should you wish to do so, or if you have any queries about your information, please contact us on 1800 251 111.


6. Direct marketing

We may use your personal information and credit-related personal information to inform you about financial products and services that are related to those you have with us or other products and services we think you may be interested in. These may be products and services provided by us, our related entities or other entities we are associated with.

7. Collection, use and disclosure of your credit-related personal information

By signing this application you agree that we can do all of the following:


a. Commercial credit-related personal information

Seek and use commercial credit-related personal information to assess an application for consumer credit or commercial credit.


b. Consumer credit-related personal information

Seek and use consumer credit-related personal information to assess an application for consumer credit or commercial credit.


c. Collection of overdue payments

Seek and use a credit report provided by a credit reporting body to collect overdue payments.


d. Exchange of information between credit providers

Seek from and use or give to another credit provider (including a credit provider who has lent money on the same security) any information or opinion about credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity.


e. Exchange of information with intermediaries

Seek from and use any consumer or commercial credit-related information from or disclose that information to, any introducer, financial adviser, accountant, mortgage manager, lawyer, or other intermediary (including any intermediary mentioned on the front page of this application form) acting in connection with any credit applied for or provided.


f. Provide credit information to credit reporting bodies

In this privacy disclosure statement, the “Credit Reporting Body” means each of the following organisations (whether acting individually or together):


Veda Advantage Public Access Division

PO Box 964

North Sydney NSW 2059

Public Enquiries: 1300 762 207



Dun & Bradstreet Australia

PO Box 7405St. Kilda Road

Melbourne VIC 3004

Public Enquiries: 1300 734 806



We give to a Credit Reporting Body credit information. Credit information is defined in the Privacy Act and includes, to the extent applicable:


- identification information;

- consumer credit liability information;

- repayment history information;

- a statement that an information request has been made in relation to you by us, or a mortgage insurer or trade insurer;

- the type of consumer credit or commercial credit, and the amount of credit, sought in an application:

                          - that has been made by you to us;

                          - in connection with which we have made an information request in relation to you;

- default information;

- payment information;

- new arrangement information;court proceedings information;

- personal insolvency information;

- publicly available information:

                         - that relates to your activities in Australia or the external Territories and your credit worthiness; and

                         - that is not court proceedings information about you or information about you that is entered or recorded on the                       National Personal Insolvency Index;

in our opinion that you have committed, in circumstances specified by us, a serious credit infringement in relation to consumer credit provided by us to you.


The Credit Reporting Body may include the information given by us in reports provided to other credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness.

The Credit Reporting Body has a policy for managing your credit information that you may access by contacting them.In some cases a Credit Reporting Body may use your information for pre-screening your eligibility to receive direct marketing from us or other credit providers. If you do not want a Credit Reporting Body to do this contact the Credit Reporting Body.Where you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been or are likely to be a victim of fraud you may request a Credit Reporting Body not to use or disclose your information.


g. Provide information for securitisation

Disclose any report or information to another person in connection with funding by means of an arrangement involving securitisation.


h. Provide information to guarantors

Disclose any information to any person who proposes to guarantee or has guaranteed repayment of any credit provided. 


8. Providing your personal information and credit-related information to a mortgage insurer

In this privacy disclosure statement, the “Insurer” means each of the following organisations (whether acting individually or together):


QBE Lenders’ Mortgage Insurance Limited (ABN 70 000 511 071)

Level 5, 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: 1300 367 764

Contact: Privacy Officer




Genworth Financial Mortgage Insurance Pty Limited (ABN 60 106 974 305)

Level 26, 101 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060

Phone: 1300 655 422



We may disclose your personal information and credit-related personal information when we apply to the Insurer for lenders mortgage insurance (LMI). By you signing this application, the Insurer can do the following:Where permitted by the Privacy Act 1988, the Insurer may seek and obtain from a credit reporting body commercial credit information concerning your credit worthiness or history; consumer information; and collection of overdue payments information.The Insurer collects your information for the purposes of assessing our application and securing and administering LMI for your mortgage, including dealing with claims and recovery of proceeds.

The information collected by the Insurer is required under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) and is necessary for the Insurer to undertake its business. If you do not provide any of the information requested of you then the Insurer will not be able to issue insurance. As a result, we may not be able to provide the mortgage to you.

The Insurer may use your information to assess the risk of providing LMI to us, you defaulting on your obligations to us and you being unable to meet a liability arising under a guarantee in respect of mortgage finance given (or to be given) by us to another person. The Insurer may also use your information to verify your details provided by us, administer or vary any LMI cover provided (including for securitisation and hardship applications, dealing with claims, recovery of proceeds and enforcing the mortgage in the place of us), to conduct risk assessment and management involving securitisation, credit scoring, portfolio analysis, reporting, fraud prevention and claim recovery, to comply with any regulatory requirements including under the Privacy Act 1988 and Insurance Contracts Act 1984 as amended from time to time, and for any other LMI purpose relating to you or under the insurance policy issued by the Insurer to us in respect of your credit with us or as may be permitted by the Privacy Act 1988.

The Insurer may disclose your information to its related companies; us; your guarantor or potential guarantor; other insurers; claims assessors and investigators; parties for the purposes of securitisation; re-insurers; underwriters; loan servicers; trust managers; trustees and security trustees; organisations involved in surveying or registering a security property or which otherwise have an interest in a security property; ratings agencies; credit reporting bodies; its service providers (including marketing companies, data consultants and IT contractors); its agents, contractors, and external advisers; your referees, including your employer; your legal and financial advisers; brokers or referrers that submitted applications on your behalf or referred you to the mortgage manager; organisations that are involved in debt collecting or in purchasing debts; mercantile agents if you default on your obligations to us; payment system operators; parties involved in fraud prevention (including organisations such as fraud reporting agencies, that may identify, investigate and/or prevent fraud, suspected fraud, crimes, suspected crimes, or other serious misconduct); other financial institutions and credit providers; and government and other regulatory bodies (e.g. the Insurance Council of Australia, ASIC and the ATO).

Where permitted by the Privacy Act 1998 the Insurer may disclose your information to organisations located overseas (including in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom or the Philippines) such as its related companies, re-insurers, service providers (including but not limited to data consultants and IT contractors), its agents, contractors and external advisers and government and other regulatory bodies. Overseas organisations may be required to disclose information shared with them with relevant foreign authorities under a foreign law. In those instances the Insurer is not responsible for that disclosure.The Insurer may also, to the extent permitted by the Privacy Act 1988, disclose information about you to a credit reporting body for any purpose set out in this consent. The credit reporting body gives other organisations (such as other credit providers) information to help them assess your credit worthiness. Some of the information may adversely affect your credit worthiness (for example if you have defaulted on your loan) and accordingly, may affect your ability to obtain credit from other credit providers.The Insurer may need to exchange your information with credit providers and advisors during the course of the mortgage insurance policy for any purpose set out in this consent.

The Insurer may seek and obtain further personal information (including sensitive information) about you during the course of the mortgage insurance policy. The terms of this consent and the Insurer’s Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy apply to the collection, use and disclosure of that information.

The Insurer may store your information in cloud or other types of networked or electronic storage and will take reasonable steps to ensure its security, however, it is not always practicable to find out where your information may be accessed or held, as electronic or networked storage can be accessed from various countries via an internet connection.Each Insurer has a Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy which contains information about:

a. how you can access and seek correction of your information held by the Insurer;

b. how you can complain about a breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (including any applicable privacy principles) or any registered privacy code that binds the insurer in respect of your personal or credit information (as appropriate); and

c. how the Insurer will deal with a complaint.Each policy available on the Insurer’s website or by contacting them.


9. Providing your personal information and credit-related information to a credit financier

In this privacy disclosure statement, the “credit financier” means each of the following organisations (whether acting individually or together):


Adelaide Bank a Division of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited

Australian Credit Licence 237879.                                                           ABN 11 068 049 178 169

Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000.                                                                Phone: 1300 652 220


Pepper Finance Corporation Ltd                                                              ABN 51 094 317 647

Pepper Homeloans Pty Ltd                                                                      ABN 86 092 110 079

Pepper Australia Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence No 286655              ABN 55 094 317 665

PO Box 6186, North Sydney NSW 2060 Ph 1800 737 737


RedZed Lending Solutions Pty Ltd (and associated entities)                 ABN: 31 123 588 527

GPO Box 1693, Melbourne 3001                                                            Telephone: 1300 722 462

Perpetual Trustee Company Limited (and associated entities)              ABN: 42 000 001 007

Level 12, Angel Place, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000                              Telephone: 02 9229 9000


We may disclose your personal information and credit-related personal information when we apply to the credit financier. By you signing this application, the credit financier can do the following:

Where permitted by the Privacy Act 1988, the credit financier may seek and obtain from a credit reporting body commercial credit information concerning your credit worthiness or history; consumer information; and collection of overdue payments information.The credit financier collects your information for the purposes of assessing our application and securing and administering your mortgage, including dealing with claims and recovery of proceeds.The credit financier may use your information to assess the risk of providing finance to you, you defaulting on your obligations to us and you being unable to meet a liability arising under a guarantee in respect of mortgage finance given (or to be given) by us to another person.

The credit financier may also use your information to verify your details provided by us, administer or vary any loan provided (including for securitisation and hardship applications, dealing with claims, recovery of proceeds and enforcing the mortgage in the place of us), to conduct risk assessment and management involving securitisation, credit scoring, portfolio analysis, reporting, fraud prevention and claim recovery, to comply with any regulatory requirements including under the Privacy Act 1988 as amended from time to time.

The credit financier may disclose your information to its related companies; us; your guarantor or potential guarantor; insurers; claims assessors and investigators; parties for the purposes of securitisation; re-insurers; underwriters; loan servicers; trust managers; trustees and security trustees; organisations involved in surveying or registering a security property or which otherwise have an interest in a security property; ratings agencies; credit reporting bodies; its service providers (including marketing companies, data consultants and IT contractors); its agents, contractors, and external advisers; your referees, including your employer; your legal and financial advisers; brokers or referrers that submitted applications on your behalf or referred you to the mortgage manager; organisations that are involved in debt collecting or in purchasing debts; mercantile agents if you default on your obligations to us; payment system operators; parties involved in fraud prevention (including organisations such as fraud reporting agencies, that may identify, investigate and/or prevent fraud, suspected fraud, crimes, suspected crimes, or other serious misconduct); other financial institutions and credit providers; and government and other regulatory bodies (e.g. the Insurance Council of Australia, ASIC and the ATO).

Where permitted by the Privacy Act 1998 the credit financier may disclose your information to organisations located overseas (including in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom or the Philippines) such as its related companies, re-insurers, service providers (including but not limited to data consultants and IT contractors), its agents, contractors and external advisers and government and other regulatory bodies. Overseas organisations may be required to disclose information shared with them with relevant foreign authorities under a foreign law. In those instances the Insurer is not responsible for that disclosure.The credit financier may also, to the extent permitted by the Privacy Act 1988, disclose information about you to a credit reporting body for any purpose set out in this consent.

The credit reporting body gives other organisations (such as other credit providers) information to help them assess your credit worthiness. Some of the information may adversely affect your credit worthiness (for example if you have defaulted on your loan) and accordingly, may affect your ability to obtain credit from other credit providers.The credit financier may need to exchange your information with credit providers and advisors during the course of the loan contract for any purpose set out in this consent.

The credit financier may seek and obtain further personal information (including sensitive information) about you during the course of the loan contract. The terms of this consent and the Credit Financier Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy apply to the collection, use and disclosure of that information.

The credit financier may store your information in cloud or other types of networked or electronic storage and will take reasonable steps to ensure its security, however, it is not always practicable to find out where your information may be accessed or held, as electronic or networked storage can be accessed from various countries via an internet connection.

Each credit financier has a Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy which contains information about:

a. how you can access and seek correction of your information held by the Credit Financier;

b. how you can complain about a breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (including any applicable privacy principles) or any registered privacy code that binds the credit financier in respect of your personal or credit information (as appropriate); and

c. how the credit financier will deal with a complaint.

Each policy available on the Credit Financier's website or by contacting them. 


10. Providing your personal information or credit-related personal information to an EFM provider

If you apply for an Equity Finance Mortgage (EFM)® we may disclose your personal information or credit-related personal information to the EFM provider (being both Permanent Custodians Limited (ACN 001 426 384) and Rismark International Funds Management Limited (ACN 114 530 139) as the manager of the EFM). By signing this application the EFM provider can collect your personal information and credit-related personal information to assess your application, the risk of providing you with the product or service that you have requested, assess any future applications for products or services you may make and conduct research and product development. It also allows the EFM provider to do all of the above. The EFM provider may disclose your personal information or credit-related personal information to us, any person to whom it is considering assigning its rights under the EFM, any person involved in present or future financial services to you, any person involved in reviewing or developing business or payment systems, any person acting for you or the EFM provider (such as your agent, accountant and lawyer or the mailing and printing houses and IT providers of the EFM provider), any person involved in providing banking and financial services (including credit card suppliers, mortgage brokers or investment products), any person entitled to request or demand the information or documents by law, and any person to whom you consent to the EFM provider giving the information or documents. The EFM provider may also disclose your personal or credit-related personal information to the Insurer for lenders mortgage insurance. The Insurer may use and disclose that information for any of the purposes described above.

®Equity Finance Mortgage (EFM) and EFM are registered trademarks of ARES Capital Management Pty Limited ABN 93 113 861 046.


11. Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy

You should also read our Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy.

Our Privacy Policy contains information about:

a. how you can access and seek correction of your personal information;

b. how you can complain about a breach of the privacy laws by us and how we will deal with a complaint;

c. if we will disclose personal information to overseas entities, and where practicable, which countries those recipients are located in.

Our Privacy Policy is available on our website or by telephoning 1800 251 111.


Our Credit Reporting Policy contains information about:

a. how you can access and seek correction of your credit eligibility information;

b. how you can seek correction of your credit information;

c. how you can complain about a breach of the credit reporting laws by us and how we will deal with a complaint;

d. if we disclose your credit information or credit eligibility information to overseas entities , and where practicable, which countries those recipients are located in.

Our Credit Reporting Policy is available on our website or by telephoning 1800 251 111.

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